Get Your Designer Body™ with the best Online Bodybuilding and Fitness Coach!

More than 10 years in the making (read the story here), my Designer Body™ Online Bodybuilding Program is finally here! Based on the bodybuilding science, state of the art mobile workout platform and all-natural nutrition strategy, this is a true breakthrough in the bodybuilding training of the new generation of world-class athletes.
Designer Body is a 24/7 technology-powered all-inclusive (exercise, nutrition, wellness, meditation, face-to-face coaching) online fitness training program that is specifically designed for each client based on their fitness level, bodybuilding goals, and medical conditions. It allows my clients to make bodybuilding an essential part of their life while achieving their Designer Body™ goals much faster, compared to any other programs.
Designer Body – the Best Bodybuilding Program by Maxwell Alexander
This 1-year-long bodybuilding program is designed for You! Bodybuilding is not about huge muscles, it is all about the beautiful, balanced and symmetrical silhouette that you see on the cover of a magazine. My program is designed to do just that!

By the end of year one (if you follow the program) you will get your Designer Body™ and get the personal branding skills to get your game to the next level! On top of everything, you will learn about the billion-dollar secret of the fashion industry and start leveraging the power of social media to achieve your bodybuilding goals while building your new globally recognized personal brand. And yes, at the end of the program I will put you on the cover of a magazine! 100% guaranteed!
The Designer Body™ Bodybuilding Program is divided into four 3-month-long segments scientifically proven to develop the best physique of your life.
Phase One is a foundational training phase: You will learn the basic difference between general fitness training and bodybuilding. We will start getting your body ready for the next step by improving your core, flexibility, endurance, and strength. You might think that bodybuilding is about lifting those crazy heavy weights? No, actually, this would be the goal for powerlifters whose physique isn’t always worthy of a magazine cover. Bodybuilding is about the ideal human silhouette, sophisticated balance, and symmetry, and to achieve this goal, simply lifting heavy weights up and down isn’t going to cut it. During this bodybuilding training phase, you will improve your form and techniques and learn how to leverage your body’s natural hormonal response that will help you to build the designer body of your dreams.
Phase Two is all about bulking up and growing that muscle mass. Muscle hypertrophy is how they scientifically call it, but no worries, I won’t bother you with boring bodybuilding terms. My goal is to get you the magazine cover-worthy designer body and here is what is going to happen during the uncle building phase of my program: You will start a completely new routine specifically designed for optimal muscle growth. A combination of intense blood pumping exercises with core improving compound movements and target isolated movements will all get your body in the natural anabolic state necessary for the muscle mass increase. My nutritional strategy will make sure that you have enough energy and muscle building blocks during this stage.
Phase 3 is a continuation of the muscle growing phase but will be adjusted to achieve optimal symmetry and bring up the lagging body parts. This is still a bulking phase, so high-calorie nutrition strategy with an optimal amount of protein will still be in effect.
And finally, Phase 4 is where we will reveal your new Designer Body™: the Cutting Phase. We will increase the intensity and volume of your workouts with the goal of reducing body fat to a minimum. It might sound like it’s a faraway destination, but believe me, it’s the most amazing part of the entire program when you can the results of your hard work being revealed to the world!